
王长洪清肠解毒法治疗溃疡性结肠炎 被引量:3

WANG Changhong Qingchang Detoxification Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis
摘要 王长洪教授认为溃疡性结肠炎多由夏秋暑湿蕴结,留滞肠腑,或素体脾虚复感湿热毒邪,或情志不畅,肝郁脾失健运,湿蕴肠道,郁久化热,蒸变气血,肠腑气血运化受阻。王长洪指出非清化无以散其热,非清解无以驱其邪,湿不化则热难减,毒不除则热更盛,因此清肠解毒是最重要治疗原则,包括清肠通络、清肠化湿、清肠健脾和清肠补肾,从外感、内伤、湿热、饮食及淫邪等方面出发,标本兼治、首重清化、气血共调、润燥相济、通塞结合。临证现代科技和中医理论有机结合,不仅重视望、闻、问、切,并将结肠镜检查作为诊治手段,肠黏膜病理为辨证施治重要依据;善于使用中药灌肠(黄芩、黄连、黄柏、苦参、青黛、儿茶、败酱草、白头翁、白及、甘草),使药物直达病所。 WANG Changhong professor ulcerative colitis by wet summer and the chief of wenjie,detention bowel relieving,or ferrite pixuspleen deficient after feeling hot and humid poison evil,or modern poorly,liver depression and spleen health delivery,wet aggregates the gut,YuJiu hot,steaming qi and blood,intestinal relieving qi transport. Wang Changhong pointed out that the thanh hoa beyond its heat,the clear solution can drive the evil,wet not hot difficult decreased,poison not more,in addition to the heat so qingchang detoxification is the most important therapeutic principles,including colon cleansing tdm,qingchang wet and colon cleansing the kidney and nourishing spleen and colon cleansing,from exogenous,internal injuries,hot and humid,diet and wise,and symptoms,the first heavy thanh hoa,qi and blood,dryness of economic, plug. In modern science and technology and the organic combination of traditional Chinese medicine theory, not only pay attention to inspection,auscultation and olfaction,inquiry,and pulse-taking and palpation, and colonoscopy as a means of diagnosis and treatment,the intestinal mucosa pathological important basis for evidence-based medicine;Is good at using Chinese medicine enema(radix scutellariae,rhizoma coptidis, cortex phellodendri,sophora,indigo naturalis,catechu,defeated sauce,Chinese bulbul,white grass, licorice and),make the patient's medication.
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2014年第3期6-7,共2页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 溃疡性结肠炎 清肠解毒 清肠通络 清肠化湿 清肠健脾 清肠补肾 清化清解 中药灌肠 王长洪 老中医经验 Ulcerative colitis Qingchang detoxification.Colon cleansing tdm Colon cleansing wet Colon cleansing spleen Colon cleansing kidney Thanh hoa clear solution Traditional Chinese medicine enema Wang Changhong The theory of internal and external injury cause and confused
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