汽车消费越来越引起人们的关注。通过对汽车市场和生产厂家现状调查分析,认为影响消费者选购汽车的因素中,价格仍排在第一位。同时,目前针对轿车的各种税费仍然不少,约占车价的 1/3,严重影响了汽车消费。面对WTO可能带来的冲击,尽管地方保护主义的“篱笆”有所拆除,但封锁性政策造成的不平等竞争仍然很严重。为此,呼吁政府应及早出台鼓励汽车消费的相关政策,形成宽松的汽车消费环境。
The automotive consumption is more and more attractive for people. Through the analysis and investigation on present status of automotive market and monufacturers, among the factors which affect people to purchase motor vehicle. At the same time, the automotive consumption is affected severely due to many taxes and duties for cars at present time. which amounts are about 1 /3 of car price. Facing against the impacts from the fact that after joined in WTO, unequal competition caused by the blockade policies shall be still severe, although the 'fence'of local protection policy is broken a bit. So here with make an appeal for government to put forward the relative policies to excite motor vehicle consumption and form a broad and suitable vehicle consumption environment.
Auto Industry Research