主要针对当前H.264/AVC中CAVLC中的标准解码方法TLSS查表时存在查表时间长的问题,提出了一种全新的基于哈希表快速查询的CAVLC解码查表优化方法.在CAVLC解码查表中引入哈希表查找技术,提高了CAVLC解码查表速度,降低了CAVLC解码中不规则可变长码表(UVLCT)的码字获取时间,从而减少CAVLC解码查表时间.实验仿真结果表明,在没有丝毫降低视频解码质量前提下,相比于标准TLSS方法,提出的新算法可以提高约18% ~22%的表查找时间.
In order to solve the problem of long table look-up time in TLSS method of CAVLC for H. 264/AVC, a new and rapid look-up algorithm based on hash table for CAVLC decoding is proposed in this paper. The contribution of this algorithm is that the hash table query technology is introduced to improve table look-up speed for CAVLC decoding and reduce the decoded codeword acquisition time in unstructured variable length coding tables, so it reduces the table look-up time. The simulation resutts show that this proposed scheme can reduce 18% -22% table look-up time without degrading video quality, compared with standard TLSS method for CAVLC decoding.
Video Engineering