为了快速检测核燃料棒的质量是否存在缺陷,设计了一种集ARM、FPGA和千兆以太网通信于一体的多通道高速数据采集系统。该系统并行采集16路脉冲信号,使用FPGA对脉冲信号定时计数,使用ARM作为采集板卡的主控芯片来控制各个模块之间协调运行,板卡与远端计算机之间通过千兆以太网实现数据传输和控制。信号采集实验表明:该系统能够并行采集工作频率<50 MHz、计数定时范围为100μs^30 s的多路脉冲信号,实现基于千兆以太网的数据传输和板卡的运行控制,满足设计要求。
In order to detect the quality of Fuel Rod quickly , we designed a multi -channel high -speed data acquisition system Based on ARM , FPGA and Gigabit Ethernet communication .This data acquisition system re-ceived pulses though 16-channels in parallel .FPGA was used to count pulses within fixed time .ARM was chosen as the main control chip to coordinate with the various modules .Meanwhile , based on Gigabit Ethernet communication , the transmission and control between the integrated circuit board and the remote computer could be quick and effective .The signal sampling experiments indicate that the parallel sampling frequency could be lower than 50 MHz and the timing was range of 100 μs-30 s.All the results showed that our design satisfied practical engineering requirements .
Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology