
钾对松木热解特性影响实验研究 被引量:3

Effects of potassium on pyrolysis characteristics of pine
摘要 采用管式炉热解实验装置对浸渍K2CO3松木进行直接热解,并将松木热解气通过含钾石英砂层、含钾焦层以模拟钾对热解气体反应的影响。结果表明,松木中浸渍K后会促进热解固体焦生成,提高H2/CO比,低温下K会降低液相产率、提高气相产率,而热解温度较高时则使气体产率下降、液体产率提高。松木热解气经过含K石英砂后发生催化裂解,液体产率降低,CO、CO2和H2产量上升。松木焦也可以催化裂解焦油,使气体产物增加,H2和CO2产量提高,CO、CH4和C2产量降低。K与松木焦共同作用,不仅使焦油发生裂解而且促进更多焦参与气固反应。钾对松木热解作用是通过对松木的直接热解、对气体中间产物再反应的均相催化及对固体焦气化的非均相催化等复杂过程实现的。 Pine loaded K2 CO3 were pyrolysed by tubular furnace. The experiment of pyrolysis vapor of pine passed through sand mixed with K2 CO3 or char added K2 CO3 were also performed to simulated the effects of potassium on vapor. The results indicated that K could catalyze pyrolysis process, increase the char yields and decrease CO yields markedly. K could increase the gas yield in low temperature while decrease it in higher temperature. The pyrolysis vapor could decompose when pass through K, which lead to lower liquid yield and higher CO, CO2 , H2 yield. Char of pine also could catalyze tar cracking, increase H2 , CO2 and decrease CO, CH4 , C2 yields in gas. Char added K was favor to the cracking of tar and the reaction between gas and char. Effects of potassium on biomass pyrolysis characteristics was achieved by catalyzing the primary pyrolysis and the reaction of the pyrolysis vapor.
出处 《燃料化学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期420-426,共7页 Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973计划,2011CB201500) 广东省科技计划(2012B050500007)
关键词 松木 热解 催化 pine pyrolysis potassium catalysis
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