目的分析烟台市1985-2010年7-18岁学生身高生长变化趋势,为有关部门制定促进儿童青少年健康成长的策略与措施提供科学依据。方法利用烟台市1985,2000和2010年学生体质与健康调查研究资料,采用Excel2003建立数据库,采用SPSS 17.0对数据进行统计学分析。结果烟台市1985-2010年男女生身高增幅7-11岁分别为7.6、5.8cm;12-15岁分别为8.6、4.5cm;16-18岁分别为6.2、4.0cm;7-18岁分别为7.4、5.4cm;此外,18岁为6.3、2.9cm。男生显著高于女生。而且,从1985年到2010年,身高生长发育男女生前后交叉年龄,分别提前了1.0、1.5岁;18岁身高男女性差增大到13.1cm。结论烟台市1985-2010年25年间,7-11岁、12-15岁、16-18岁、7-18岁学生身高,以及成年身高均呈持续增长趋势,男生显著高于女生,且身高青春期生长发育提前。18岁男女性身高差逐年增大,可以推断本地区学生身高仍有增长潜力。
Objective To analyze growth changes in height among the students aged 7-18 years in Yantai from 1985to 2010,in order to give scientific basis of the strategy and measures developed by the department which is to promote thechildren's and adolescents" healthy growth. Methods Using the data of the Students' Constitution and Health survey fromthe year of 1985,2000 and 20]0. Excel 2003 was used for established database and SPSS 17.0 was used for statistical analy-sis. Results In 1985--2010,7- 11 years old boys" and girls' height increased by 7.6 cm and 5.8 era;12 - 15 years old boys' and girls' height increased by 8.6 cm and 4.5 cm;16-18 years old boys" and girls" height increased by 6.2 cm and 4.0 cm;7-18 years old boys" and girls' height increased by 7.4 cm and 5.4 cm;18 years old boys' and girls' height increased by 6.3em and 2.9 cm,respectively. The increment of boys was significantly higher than that of girls. Besides,the boys' and girls" ad-olescence cross age for the height moved forward 1.0 and 1.5 years from 1985 to 2010,respectively. In 18 year old,the boys- height was 1 3.1 cm higher than girls'. Conclusions The heights of students aged 7- 11 years old, 12- 15 years old, 1618 years old,7-18 years old and adults in Yantai have the sustained growth trend from 1985 to 2010. The growth rate ofboys is higher than the girls'. The adolescent growth age in height moved forward. The height difference between boys andgirls aged 18 years increased every year,which inferred the students" heights of this region still have growth potential.
Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
body height
growth and development