
常压下水/盐酸和水/盐酸/氯化镁系统的汽液平衡模型 被引量:2

Vapor-liquid equilibria for water / hydrochloric acid and water / hydrochloric acid / magnesium chloride systems at atmospheric pressure
摘要 常压下盐酸会形成最高共沸物,在盐酸溶液中加盐改变氯化氢和水的相对挥发度,产生盐效应,进而破坏了溶液的恒沸组成。因此盐酸的汽液平衡及其盐效应下的汽液平衡的研究对于盐酸浓缩过程具有重要意义。文中首先对HCl+H2O二元体系进行模型分析,建立了HCl+H2O二元体系模型并利用Perry手册中的氯化氢水溶液的分压数据对模型参数进行求解,通过实验数据对二元体系的汽液平衡数学模型进行了验证。结合Teruya提出的溶剂活度计算法和计算溶质活度系数的Harned定律将二元模型推广得到HCl+MgCl2+H2O三元体系汽液平衡的数学模型。 Water + hydrochloric acid can form a maximum azeotrope at atmospheric pressure. The research shows that the relative volatility of water and hydrochloric acid is changed and azeotropic phenomenon disappears when a salt is added into binary system. Therefore,it has great significance for hydrochloric acid concentration to study the vapor-liquid equilibria water + hydrochloric acid and water + hydrochloric acid + salt systems under salt effect. The binary model of HCl + H2O firstly was analyzed and developed using the data in Perry handbook,and was verified by the experimental data. The ternary model of HCl + MgCl2+ H2O was obtained based on the activity calculation of solvent proposed by Teruya and the activity coefficient calculation of solute by Harned law.
作者 李玉美 白鹏
出处 《化学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期47-50,共4页 Chemical Engineering(China)
关键词 盐酸 氯化镁 汽液平衡 hydrochloric acid magnesium chloride vapor-liquid equilibria
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