目的分析新生儿卡介苗接种后不良反应的临床特征和相关因素,制订相应的护理措施。方法对我院2005年1月—2013年10月357例新生儿出生24 h内接种卡介苗后发生的不良反应情况进行监测。结果5例出现发热等全身反应;14例出现局部溃疡,治疗持续3个月,经外科处理后结痂愈合。结论新生儿接种卡介苗后发生的不良反应通过积极的治疗和护理可痊愈。
Objective Study of neonatal BCG vaccination easily after the occurrence of adverse reactions and nursing, observation of improved injection method to reduce the adverse reaction of newborn. Methods From January to 2013 of 2005 were monitored in December 357 infants born after BCG vaccination. Results 5 cases systemic reactions such as fever, 14 cases of local ulcer, lasted 3 months, the healing after surgical treatment. Conclusion Neonatal BCG vaccination adverse reactions occurred after the active treatment and care can be cured.
The Medical Forum