首次报道了辐照所引起的 SOI/ MOS器件 PD (部分耗尽 )与 FD (全耗尽 )过渡区的漂移 .基于含总剂量辐照效应的 SOI MOSFET统一模型 ,模拟了 FD与 PD过渡区随辐照剂量的漂移 .讨论了辐照引起 FD与 PD器件转化的原因 ,进一步分析了 FD与
The shift of transitions between partially and fully depleted behavior in SOI MOSFET due to the radiation is first reported.Based on the derived fully continuous compact SOI MOSFET model,including the total dose effects,the shift of transitions between partially and fully depleted behavior due to the radiation is simulated.Furthermore,the total dose ionizing effects of the partially and fully depleted SOI MOSFETs are briefly discussed.