为了解鸟类多样性现状和制定科学有效的栖息地保护管理对策,于2013年4~5月采用样线调查法对宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区春季鸟类组成进行调查。共记录鸟类7目20科43种,约占全国鸟类种数(1 319种)的3.26%,占宁夏鸟类种数(320种)的14.44%。在地理区划上,古北界鸟类32种,占该地区春季鸟类种数的74.42%;广布种类11种,占25.58%;未观测到东洋界鸟类。其中,留鸟30种,占69.77%;夏候鸟7种,占16.28%;冬候鸟3种,占6.98%;旅鸟2种,占4.65%;迷鸟1种,占2.33%。山地针叶林带出现的鸟类种类最多,有24种,其次是山地疏林草原带和山地草原带,分别有22种和13种,亚高山灌丛草甸带和湿地最少,仅见11种和7种。宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区春季有国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生鸟类2种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生鸟类7种。
The study aimed at understanding bird diversity status and setting for a reasonably habitat management strategy in Helan Mountains during spring by transect lines methods from April to May in 2008. The results indicated that 43 bird species,which belong to 7 orders and 20 families,were recorded during this survey. These bird species contributed 3. 26% of the total number of national avifauna,and 14. 44% of the whole avian species of Ningxia Hui Autonomous region. Among them,32 species distribute in the Palaeartic realm,and 11 species distribute widely. We found no species that belong to Oriental realm in the survey. Our data suggested that 30 species are residents,7 species are summer migrants,3 species are winter migrants,2 species are passing migrants and 1 species is straggler bird. Species that inhabit the montane conifer forest( 24 species) were more abundant than montane woodland steppe( 22 species),montane grassland( 13 species),subalpine shrubland meadow( 11 species) and wetland( 7 species). Two bird species are listed as a categoryⅠspecies under the Wild Animal Protection Law by the Chinese government,and 7 species are listed as a category Ⅱspecies.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences