探讨香梨园越冬冻害发生的气温要素,为库尔勒香梨种植的气象决策服务提供参考。通过近4年对库尔勒地区上户镇果园的香梨树越冬休眠期间冻害调查和温度监测,对极端低温、低温持续时间等指标进行统计分析,结果表明:2010—2011年度,该地的香梨树发生了中等强度的越冬休眠期冻害,果园实测的极端低温达到-28.1℃,极端低温日(1月10日)-24℃以下低温的持续时间达到9.5 h。2011—2012年冬季,果园实测极端低温为-26.3℃,但极端低温日-24℃以下低温的持续时间仅为3.0 h,未能造成香梨树明显冻害。分析近4年库尔勒地区上户镇的香梨冻害情况,冬季无或仅微量降雪,果园低温强度大、出现频率高易引发果树冻害,果园实测气温低于香梨树冻害临界温度时未必会发生冻害,关键在于果园出现冻害天气时冻害温度的持续时长,而持续时长以冻害温度连续出现的天数计量并不可靠。此外,低温在冬季出现的时期也对香梨树冻害程度产生影响。
The paper provided meteorological decision-making services for Korla pear cultivation by exploring temperatures elements of freezing injury occurring on the Korla fragrant pear trees in winter. Based on freezing injury investigation and temperature observations nearly 4 years in the wintering dormancy period of fragrant pear trees, the Shanghu Town orchards, the indicators were analyzed, including extreme low temperature, cryogenic duration and so on. The results showed that Korla fragrant pear trees had medium strength freezing injury in wintering dormancy period, 2010-2011, extreme low temperature measured was-28.1℃ in orchards, and the duration of temperature below-24℃ was 9.5 hours in January 10. In 2011-2012, extreme low temperature measured was-26.3℃, but the duration of temperature below-24℃ was only 3 hours, therefore fragrant pear trees were not cold obviously. The results of freezing injury conditions nearly 4 years on Korla fragrant pear trees showed that the big intensity and high frequency of low temperature easily led to fruit damage, no or only trace snowfall in winter, freezing injury was not necessarily when temperature measured was lower than critical temperature of freezing injury, the duration of freezing injury temperature was the key in freezing injury weather, but put consecutive appearance days of freezing injury temperature as duration was notreliable. In addition, the occurrence time of low temperature in winter had influence on the degree of freezing injury.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
Korla fragrant pear trees
freezing injury
extreme low temperature