GM256(Malus domestica Borkh)为一优良的抗寒矮化砧木,具有重要的商业化种植价值。但由于扦插生根困难,限制了其在生产上的应用。为了加速GM256砧木苗的繁殖速度,本研究采用组织培养的方法,研究了基本培养基、外源激素的组成和浓度对试管苗增殖生长和伸长生长的影响。研究了暗培养时间对试管苗生根的作用。结果表明,QL是GM256试管苗增殖生长和伸长生长的最佳基本培养基,在添加0.5 mg/LBA和0.05 mg/LIBA的QL培养基上,增殖生长和伸长生长最优。暗培养比光培养显著提高生根率和生根数。暗培养5天和10天获得的生根率和生根数差异不显著,但暗培养5天比暗培养10天获得的植株健壮,健苗生根植株的移栽成活率在85%以上。本研究获得的最佳增殖培养基和最佳生根条件,可用于GM256的工厂化育苗的规模化生产。
GM256(Malus domestica Borkh) was a cold-hardy and dwarfing apple rootstock, having high commercial value in production. But its stem cutting was difficult to root, hampered its use in production. In order to propagate it rapidly, tissue culture method was employed. The effects of basal medium, the kinds and concentrations of phytohormones on proliferation and growth of in vitro shoots were examined. The effect of dark duration on in vitro shoots rooting was investigated. The results showed that the optimal basal medium for proliferation was QL. In vitro shoots growth for proliferation and elongation was best on QL with 0.5 mg/L BA and 0.05 mg/L IBA. Dark culture significantly improved rooting percentage and root number per plantlet than direct light. Rooting percentage and root number was no significant different between 5 days and 10 days in the dark. But rooting plantlets obtained from 5 initial dark days was healthier and stronger than that 10 initial dark days, transplanting survival rate of healthy plantlets was above 85%. The optimal proliferation medium and optimal rooting condition obtained in this study could be used for large scale in vitro propagation in factory of GM256.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin