
单县龙王庙铁矿地质地球物理特征及找矿意义 被引量:11

Geological and geophysics characteristics & prospecting significance of longwangmiao iron ore deposit in shanxian county in shandong province,China
摘要 鲁西南地区发育有沉积变质型铁矿,且与航磁异常密切相关.龙王庙航磁异常位于山东省单县东南部地区,该异常具有寻找隐伏铁矿的潜力.为了进一步查明该异常区的异常源属性和铁矿地质特征,对以往地质、物探等资料进行了综合研究,并投入了大比例尺重磁测量等物探工作;通过优选区内成矿有利部位的基础上,利用钻探施工进行异常查证.区内物探测量工作将龙王庙航磁异常区进一步分解为大刘庄异常和龙王庙西南异常2个次级异常.龙王庙西南异常和大刘庄异常的重磁特征较为相似,总体呈现NW-SE向.与大刘庄异常区相比,龙王庙异常区的面积较大,且磁异常强度总体较高(磁测值约为420 nT).在综合分析该异常的基础上,在龙王庙西南异常选定了成矿有利部位,并施工了LZK01孔.在钻孔在-740.80~-1653.03 m标高处陆续揭露了12层铁矿体,累计厚度为58.37 m.矿体呈层状、似层状,矿石类型为条带状磁铁石英岩、磁铁透辉石英岩和磁铁角闪石英岩等.矿石平均品位为全铁—28.09%,磁性铁—22.81%.龙王庙西南异常区的铁矿勘查工作表明,该异常是由隐伏铁矿体引起,铁矿类型与大刘庄铁矿床一致,均属沉积变质型铁矿.通过对区域重磁异常的对比分析认为,龙王庙西南异常的铁矿资源潜力巨大;此外,单县龙王庙地区的铁矿勘查工作也表明,磁法测量是区内的最重要的铁矿勘查手段,重力测量工作是区内的重要找矿手段之一. The sedimentary metamorphic iron deposits are widely distributed in southwest of Shandong province, and these iron deposits are closely connected with aeromagnetic anomaly in the region. The Longwangmiao aeromagnetic anomaly area, located in the southeastern Shanxian County in Shandong Province, has prospecting potential of exploring the hidden iron ore. In order to clarify the abnormal source properties and the iron ore geological features of the area, this study carries out drilling exploration in the mineralization favorable position, based on previous geophysical anomaly analysis and large scale gravity and magnetic measurements. The Longwangmiao aeromagnetic anomaly area can be further divided into two secondary anomaly areas, which are the Daliuzhuang anomaly and the Longwangmiao southwest anomaly. The gravity and magnetic anomalies' morphology of this two secondary anomalies are very similar, both with NW-SE orientation in strike. Compared with the Daliuzhuang anomaly, Longwangmiao magnetic anomaly is larger and generally shows higher intensity with the magnetic anomaly peak at 420 nT. By studying the comprehensive analysis of the multiple anomalies, the LZK01 drilling hole was carried out in the southwest of Longwangmiao anomaly. This drilling hole has discoverd 12 layers of iron ore at the depth of 740.80~1653.03 m, and the cumulative thickness is up to 58.37 m. The iron ore bodies in the Longwangmiao southwest anomaly are stratified or stratoid beds, iron ore are banded magnetite quartzite, magnetite pyroxenite quartzite, and magnetite amphibole quartzite containing TFe and mFe about 28.09% and 22.81% respectively as its average grade. The exploration result has proved that the Longwangmiao magnetic anomaly is caused by hidden iron ore bodies and the type of the Longwangmiao southwest anomaly and the Daliuzhuang anomaly belongs to sedimentary metamorphic iron ore. Comparative analysis of the gravity and magnetic anomalies implies that iron ore's reserve is very considerable in the Longwangmiao south
出处 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期725-732,共8页 Progress in Geophysics
基金 国土资源大调查项目:(鲁西地区铁矿远景调查:1212010781085) 地质矿产调查评价专项:(山东单县地区铁矿调查评价:1212011085305 舞阳-单县地区铁矿成矿规律与找矿技术方法研究:12120113061600)联合资助
关键词 单县 龙王庙 铁矿 磁异常 重力异常 地质特征 找矿意义 Shanxian county Longwangmiao area iron ore magnetic anomaly gravity anomaly geological characteristics prospecting significance
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