
社会资本对少数民族地区农村居民数字化脱贫的影响——湘西土家族苗族自治州里耶镇的田野研究报告 被引量:12

The Impact of Social Capital on Digital Poverty Alleviation of Rural Residents in Ethnic Minority Areas:Field Report of Liye Town,Xiangxi Tujia&Miao Autonomous Prefecture Field Study on Liye,Tujia-Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Xiangxi
摘要 文章通过访谈、实验、介入观察和行动式研究等田野调查方法,对湖南湘西土家族苗族自治州龙山县里耶镇居民的数字化脱贫情况进行调研。研究发现:农村数字化技术普及方面的民间志愿组织为零,缺乏有效的外部社会资本;社会资本为实现农民数字化脱贫有关键作用,尤其是提高其数字化兴趣、意识和素养;农村贫困阶层更加依赖于外部社会资本;农村小群体之间联系紧密,生活状态相似,内部社会资本和当地公共网吧在数字化脱贫过程中也能够发挥作用。 The study employed the methodology of field study including in - depth interview, computer training experiment, involved observation and action research to focus on the digital poverty alleviation processes in the Town of Liye, Tujia - Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Xiangxi, Hu'nan Province. The research finds: there was no digital technology related volunteer groups in Liye, which meant no effective bridging social capital to overcome digital inequality ; our experiments showed that we as bridging social capital indeed helped the locals to alleviate their digital poor conditions, especially their insufficiency of interests, consciousness and skills to be digitalized; the locals tends to rely on bridging social capital to become digitally rich; they are living similar lives in their small worlds, bridging social capital and local cyber - cafes could alleviate digital poverty.
作者 闫慧 洪萍蟑
出处 《情报资料工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期89-93,共5页 Information and Documentation Services
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"中国农民数字化贫困实证研究:现象 根源与对策"(编号:11CTQ009) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"数字化贫困与公共数字文化政策的评估与反思"(编号:NKZXB1449)的研究成果之一
关键词 数字不平等 数字化脱贫 少数民族地区 农村居民 社会资本 社群信息学 行动式研究 digital inequality, digital poverty alleviation, ethnic areas, rural residents, social capital, community informatics, action research
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