涡流二极管作为一种非能动制止阀的设备,被应用于高温熔盐堆的概念设计中,本文利用FLUENT数值模拟分析了涡流二极管内正反向流动的阻力特性及其内部流场,以水、FLiBe和FLiNaK为模拟工作介质,计算了在不同工况下,涡流二极管的正反向流动压降值、阻力系数及阻抗比,为用于钍基熔盐堆(Thorium Molten Salt Reactor,TMSR)非能动辅助冷却系统的涡流二极管设计提供参考依据。模拟计算结果表明:涡流二极管的正反向流阻随着进口雷诺数不断增大,其性能参数阻抗比ε随着雷诺数也相应增大,最后达到临界稳定值;为提高其性能参数阻抗比,对涡流二极管进行结构优化设计,并结合实验进行验证。
Background: As a passive check valve, vortex diode is applied to the design of several fluoride salt-cooled high-temperature reactors. It is installed in the emergency heat removal system that is designed to passively remove reactor decay heat under natural circulation. Purpose: By analyzing FLiBe and FLiNaK's fluidic performance in vortex diode by numerical simulation and comparing with that of water, we could provide a reference for the design of vortex diode applied for the Pool Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System (PRACS) of Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (TMSR). Methods: According to the conceptual design of PRACS, a model of vortex diode was simulated under different working conditions by using Fluent. Taking measures of the best tangential angle and the converging-diverging axial tube is to get better performance. Results: The forward and reverse pressure drops increase with the flow rate, and the diodicity is related to the Reynolds number of working medium, and increases with Re number until a certain value, where the diodieity basically remains unchanged. After structure optimization, the value of diodicity is enhanced to some extent. Conclusion: Based on the results, there is a critical Re number both for FLiBe and FLiNaK in vortex diode. Optimizing the structure design of the vortex diode can improve FLiBe and FLiNaK's performances in vortex diode.
Nuclear Techniques