上海光源X射线位置探测器(X-ray Beam Position Monitor,XBPM)用于束线X光位置的测量,本文简述了该探测器在升级改造中对其数据采集设备更新的考虑,选用了新一代数字信号处理器Libera Photon,它的测量分辨率最高可达0.01μm;该电子学设备可实现快慢两种数据采集方式,其数据采样率分别为10 kHz和10 Hz,快信号能捕获2 ms的状态变化,可用于输出光斑的稳定反馈控制,慢信号可用做输出光斑的长期稳定性监测等。同时给出了使用该探测器所需修改的部分EPICS接口控制程序,以及Libera Photon在上海光源光束线站中的应用结果。
Background: The X-ray Beam Position Monitor (XBPM) is an important device to measure the X-ray position of synchrotron radiation beamline. Previous signal processing unit of XBMP at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) beamline is based on I/V converter and Analog to digital converter (ADC) module E2240 manufactured by MOXA which results in low spatial resolution and insufficient data acquisition rate. Purpose: In order to improve the performance of XBMP at SSRF, an upgrading of the XBPM is undertaken by using new all-in-one processor. The application of this new processor is briefly described in this paper. Methods: In the hardware side, a new generation digital BPM processor Libera Photon is adopted which can achieve a best position resolution of 0.01 gm and provides two parallel data paths that operate at different frequencies for flexible process. In the software side, relevant EPICS interfaces are modified in both Operator Interface (OPI) level and Input/output Controller (IOC) level to coordinate the new processor according to the control requirements. Results: The upgraded system can capture XBMP signal change within 2 ms by using the Fast Acquisition (FA) dataflow at approximately 10 kHz, which can be used for fast feedback control. Observed Slow Acquisition (SA) dataflow is typically around l0 Hz, which can be used to monitor long-time signal changes and predict the varying trend of beam position. Conclusion: Libera Photon processor is successfully applied to the XBMP at SSRF beamline to achieve high position resolution and feasible control requirements.
Nuclear Techniques