
基于LMI的灰色非线性精敏供应链稳定性判定方法 被引量:2

LMI-based Research on Stability of Leagile Supply Chain with Grey Non-linear Characteristics
摘要 平稳运行是精敏供应链管理的重要基础,针对具有区间灰色非线性特征的精敏供应链系统波动性的难题,以非线性时滞精敏供应链系统为研究基础,建立了灰色非线性精敏供应链系统,采用线性矩阵不等式算法分析其稳定性问题,并获取了一种灰色非线性精敏供应链系统的稳定性判定方法。为验证该方法的有效性和可行性,以医药行业YL集团核心产品的供应链系统为案例分析对象,通过观测两个时点的运行数据,使用Matlab7.0计算工具,得出[0,20]和[20,40]2个时间段供应链系统的稳定性状态变化图。并假设当客户订货分离点(CODP)下移时,运用同样的观测数据,模拟系统稳定性状态的变化。对比案例分析的结果得出结论:随着CODP从精敏供应链的上游端在下移至下游端时,不仅仅体现的是供应链系统类型的改变,而且更重要的是揭示了精益供应链和敏捷供应链稳定性的影响因素不同,前者受订单量大小程度的影响,而后者由市场需求预测的准确性程度决定。 In leagile supply chain management, it is important to operate a supply chain smoothly. Howev- er, with grey and non-linearity, it is very challenging to model and control such a supply chain. On the basis of non-linear and time delay leagile supply chain systems, a grey and non-linear model is developed for a leagile supply chain. Then, a linear matrix inequality method is used to analyze its stability and an effective stability criterion is obtained. In order to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method, a core product supply chain systems of YL Group in the medicine industry is used as a case stud- y. By using Matlab 7.0, the stability of the system state diagram is drawn before and after customer order decoupling point(CODP). Results show that when CODP moves down, not only the supply chain type is changed but also different influence factor of stability between lean supply chain and agile supply chain is uncovered. The former is affected by order size, and the latter is affected by the accuracy of market de- mand forecast.
出处 《工业工程》 北大核心 2014年第2期64-69,共6页 Industrial Engineering Journal
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金资助项目(11YJC630290) 广西哲学社会科学"十二五"规划研究课题(13FGL011)
关键词 精敏供应链 灰色非线性 稳定性 线性矩阵不等式 leagile supply chain grey and non-linearity stability linear matrix inequality (LMI)
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