
论世界体系中观察视角的“中心—边缘”概念 被引量:12

On the Core-periphery Perspective in the World System Concept
摘要 在由民族国家所构成的世界体系中,流行的做法是把不同的国家区分为"发达"与"不发达"国家。其实,这种区分掩盖了国家间的不平等,让人们不再关注一些国家压迫和剥削另一些国家的事实。与此不同,如果把不同国家看作是处在同一个体系中发生互动的行动体,就会看到它们在这同一个体系中的不同位置,就会发现它们之间存在着某种互动结构——中心—边缘结构。"发达"与"不发达"的概念是在比较中而对国家的分别描述,潜在地包含着把不同国家看作是孤立的存在物的意涵,放弃了对国家间关系的关注。"中心—边缘"的概念则把人们的关注点引向了国家间的关系,要求把不同的国家放在同一个世界体系中加以认识和考察,从而清晰地暴露了中心国家对边缘国家的压迫、剥削和掠夺,而且也给人们指出了走向未来的方向,那就是通过打破既有的世界中心—边缘结构而开创一个真正平等的世界。 When talking about the world system of nation-states, it is popular to divide various nations into developed nations and underdeveloped nations. However, when this kind of division has settled into a viewing perspective, it would conceal the international inequality, leading people to overlook the fact that some nations exploit and oppress others. On the contrary, if treated as interactive actors in the same system, we would find that different nations are in different positions of the world system, forming an interactive structure: the Core-Periphery Structure. Concepts like developed and underdeveloped depict nations in isolation, implying that nations are isolated from each other. The concept of Core-Periphery, however, has turned our attention to relations among nations, helping people view and understand different nations in the same system. More importantly, this concept and perspective reveals the oppression and exploitation on periphery nations by core nations, and leads us to a possible future, to break the existing core-periphery structure and to build a substantive equal world.
作者 张康之 张桐
出处 《北京行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期29-38,共10页 Journal of Beijing administration institute
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金项目重大基础研究计划(12XNL003)
关键词 中心-边缘 发达 不(欠)发达 工业社会 Core-Periphery developed under (less) developed industrial world
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