为了阐述产品保证体系的概念和思想 ,建立了产品保证体系的模型。为评价卫星产品保证体系对卫星产品质量保证情况 ,应用模糊综合评判原理建立卫星产品保证体系模糊综合评判模型。运用该产品保证体系模糊综合评判模型对某一具体卫星型号的产品保证情况进行评价 ,并对计算结果进行了分析。计算结果与实际情况的一致性较好 。
To present the concept and the ideas of product assurance system in this paper, the model of product assurance system is described. And to evaluate the effects of the satellite product assurance system on the satellite quality, the model of fuzzy comprehensive assessment is set up by use of fuzzy theory. Then the model is applied to evaluate the effects of the product assurance system on one specific satellite and the calculation result is analysed, so that it can be considered as the evidence for promoting the satellite quality.
Aerospace Shanghai