侧面柱碰撞是新车评价规程中的重点考察项目。从试验工况、车体响应及假人伤害等方面对比了FMVSS 214侧面柱碰撞与E-NCAP侧面柱碰撞的差异性,分析2种试验假人易受伤害的部位及原因。经验证,2种碰撞试验可以使用同一点火策略;由于FMVSS 214侧面柱碰撞速度更高,碰撞位置更靠前,要求侧气囊保压时间更长,覆盖面积更大,建议使用带主动泄气孔的产品,并加强车门结构,以降低对假人胸部、腹部以及骨盆的伤害。
Side pole collision is an important item in NCAP. For the side pole, the difference between FMVSS 214 and E-NCAP from the aspects of test working condition, body response and dummy injury is described in this paper, and for 2 different test dummies, the part where is easy to damage and injury reason is also introduced in the paper. After test validation, the same ignition method can he used in 2 different collision tests. The collision speed stipulated in FMVSS 214 is much higher, the collision position is further front eompared with E-NCAP, therefore the lasting time for keeping the stable pressure of airbag is required longer, and the protection area is much larger. The side pole with active outlet is require to use, and the body structure improvement need to reduce injuries of dummy in chest, abdominal and pelvis.
Automotive Engineer