
中国城镇居民分层CPI估计与比较 被引量:2

Stratified CPI Estimations for China's Urban Residents and Their Systematic Comparison
摘要 根据经济指数理论和消费者偏好差异,构造基于GFT直接效用函数的可变偏好生活成本指数,并编制和比较1996—2011年中国城镇地区七大收入阶层的分层CPI,结果表明:2007年前各分层CPI间的差异相对较小,而在2007年以后差异明显扩大;低收入居民的分层CPI高于高收入居民的分层CPI;城镇居民CPI总指数近似反映了"中等偏上收入"阶层生活成本变化情况,而其他阶层居民则易对CPI总指数"感觉失真",2007年以来城镇地区CPI总指数的代表性逐渐降低。因此,针对不同收入阶层编制分层CPI,既能更好地反映各阶层居民的通货膨胀压力,维护CPI的权威性,还能为政府科学决策提供更为准确的信息。 According to economic index theory and consumers preference difference, this paper constructs changeable preference living cost index based on GFT direct utility function, works out and compares stratified CPI in seven income stratified classes in China' s urban residents during 1996-2011, and the results show that there is relatively small difference between each stratified CPI before 2007, however, the difference is significantly enlarged after 2007, that the stratified CPI in the residents with low income is higher than the stratified CPI in the residents with high income, that overall index of CPI of urban residents approximately reflects the situation of living cost change in the stratified classes with "the income a little more than middle class", however, other stratified residents usually have "distorted sentiment" to overall index of CPI, as a result, the representation of overall index of CPI in urban areas is reduced, thus, the composition of stratified CPI based on different income classes can not only reflect inflation pressure of each stratified class of the residents to keep the authority of CPI but also provide accurate information for governmental scientific decision-making.
出处 《西部论坛》 2014年第3期81-89,共9页 West Forum
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(11ATJ002) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(11JZD019) 福建省教育厅社科A类项目(JA13205S)
关键词 分层CPI 标题CPI CPI总指数 居民消费价格指数 经济指数理论 生活成本指数 消费者偏好差异 收入阶层 stratified CPI headline CPI CPI all items index residents consuming price index economic indextheory living cost index consumer preference difference income strata
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