

An Analysis on Ecological Responsibility and the Conception of Eco-holism in the Building of Harmonious Society in Hebei Province
摘要 生态批评在文艺美学研究中属于比较前沿的领域。生态责任与生态整体观是生态批评的重要原则。生态批评对现实的介入性,使得将这两个概念引入"河北和谐社会建设"这一论题成为可能。建设和谐社会从根本上说是建立一种生态文明型的社会。河北和谐社会建设,应在生态整体观的指导下认真履行生态责任。这种责任就政府而言,体现为决策层应转变发展理念并落实在相关的制度与管理层面,使其具备可操作性;就公民个体而言,应逐步建立起生态伦理意识,在日常生活中养成环保生活习惯。 Ecological criticism belongs to the frontier research on the field of aesthetics of literature and art. Ecological responsibility and the conception of eco-holism are the important principles of eco-criticism. It is possible that we can use them to analyze the question of building of harmonious society construction in Hebei province because of the intervention of eco-criticism. Building a harmonious society fundamentally establish an ecological civilization of the society. The construction of Hebei's harmonious society should earnestly implement the ecological responsibility under the guidance of ecological holistic. In terms of government, this responsibility embodied that policy makers should change development idea and implement on the related system and management level, make its have operability. In terms of individual citizens, we should gradually set up ecological and ethical consciousness, cultivate the environmental protection life habits in daily life.
作者 周颖
出处 《河北经贸大学学报(综合版)》 2014年第1期37-41,共5页 Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business(Comprehensive Edition)
基金 2013年度河北省社会科学发展研究课题青年课题"论河北和谐社会建设中的生态责任与生态整体观"(201304131)最终研究成果
关键词 生态责任 生态整体观 和谐社会 生态批评 生态型社会 决策层 公民 ecological responsibility the conception of eco-holism harmonious society eco-criticism ecotype society decision-making level citizen
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