目的了解石家庄市平山县手足口病的流行特征,为制定手足口病防治措施提供科学依据。方法对2012年平山县手足口病疫情资料进行分析。结果2012年平山县共报告手足口病病例1947例,发病率为396.70/10万,其中重症病例l例,无死亡病例。男性发病率高于女性。3~7月份发病较多,共计1882例,占全年发病总数的96.66%。散居儿童占89.88%;其次为幼托儿童167例,占8.58%。自然村聚集病例118起,占92.19%;幼托机构/学校聚集病例10起,占7.8l%。实验室检测结果显示,Cox A16病毒占81.07%,EV 71型占15.53%,其他肠道病毒占3.40%。结论2012年平山县手足口病疫情较2011年有增高的趋势,应加强疫情监测和预警工作,要加强重点月份(3~7月,特别是4~6月)重点人群(5岁以下,特别是3岁以下婴幼儿)的防控工作。做好托幼机构/学校等儿童聚集单位的预防控制工作,防止聚集性疫情的发生。
Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of hand foot and mouth disease in Pings- han, Shijiazhuang, and provide scientific evidence for the disease control. Methods Analysis the epidemic data of hand foot and mouth disease in Pingshan , 2012 . Results There were totally 1947 cases of hand foot and month disease in Pingshan county , 2012, the average incidence of hand foot and mouth disease was 396.70/lakh, one severe case, no death case. The incidence of males was higher than that of females. The incidence got higher in March to July; there are altogether 1882 cases which took up 96.66% of the whole year incidence. Children being outside child care settings took up 89.99% ; next is the children in the nursery which had 167 cases and took up 8.58% ; the clustered cases in village was 118 which took up 92. 19% ; the clustered cases in nursery or school was 10 which took up 7.81%. According to the results of laboratory test, CoxA16 virus took up 81.07% ; EV 71 virus took up 15.53% ; and other enteric viruses took up 3.4%. Conclusions The incidence of hand foot and mouth disease in Pingshan of 2012 was higher than that in 2011, we should strengthen monitor and warning system, strengthen the work in prevention and control for the key seasons ( March - July, especially April to June) , and key population ( children under 5 years old, especially infants under 3 years old) . Prevent and control the clustered cases in nursery and school, to avoid the aggre- gation epidemic happening.
Journal of Medical Pest Control
Hand foot and mouth disease