基于目前国际先进的第三代海浪模式SWAN,以QuikSCAT/NCEP混合风场为驱动场,对东中国海1999年8月—2009年7月间的海浪场进行模拟,利用模拟结果对25°N以北的大浪频率、极值波高进行统计分析。结果表明:(1)东中国海的大浪出现频率在11月最高,5月最低。西部和北部的大浪频率低于南部和东部;(2)中国沿岸的最大波高不超过3 m,而东部琉球群岛附近海域的最大波高在7 m以上,最高可达11m。
Using the third-generation wave model SWAN (Simulating Waves Near shore) and QuikSCAT/NCEP (QN) wind data, the wave field from August 1999 to July 2009 in the East China Sea above 25°N is simulated. The characteristics of big wave frequency and extreme wave height are analyzed. The results show that, (1) the big wave frequency in the East China Sea is the highest in November and the lowest in May. The big wave frequencies in the west and north of the East China Sea are smaller than that in the east and south; (2) the biggest wave heights along the coasts of China are usually less than 3 m, while the biggest wave heights are usually higher than 7 m around the Ryukyu Islands with the maximum value up to 11 m.
Marine Forecasts