
珠江口盆地烃源岩及原油新四环萜烷组合模式 被引量:1

The Combination Model of New Tetracyclic Terpane in Source Rock and Crude Oil of Zhujiangkou Basin
摘要 通过对珠江口盆地烃源岩及原油的地球化学特征的研究,分析了该区烃源岩的生烃潜力及原油的母质来源。采用饱和烃色谱-质谱分析,检测出了2种新四环萜烷化合物X和Y,分别为C24-脱-A-奥利烷和新C27四环萜烷。X、Y化合物可作为识别不同层段、不同相带烃源岩的有利指标。根据原油样品的甾烷及萜烷等生物标志化合物的特征,将研究区原油主要分为3类,分别为来源于文昌组中深湖相烃源岩的原油;文昌组中深湖相烃源岩与恩平组河沼相烃源岩的混源油;来源于以陆源高等植物输入为主的恩平组河沼相烃源岩原油。 The hydrocarbon potential and parent material source of source rock are analyzed through the study of geochemical behavior of source rock and crude oil in Zhujiangkou basin. Two types of new tetracyclic terpane compounds X and Y are detected through color and mass spectrum analysis of saturated hydrocarbon,which are C24- de- A- oleanane and new C27 tetracyclic terpane. The X and Y compounds can be used as a favorable indicator to identify source rock in different intervals and facies. According to the biomarker compound characteristics of sterane and terpane,the crude oil in the study area can be divided into three types. These types include the crude oil derived from deep lacustrine facies source rock of Wehchang Formation,the mixed oil derived from deep lacustrine facies source rock of Wenchang Formation and river- swamp source rock of Enping Formation,and the crude oil derived from river- swamp source rock of Enping Formation whose input is mainly terrestrial higher plant.
作者 马宁 侯读杰
出处 《特种油气藏》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期24-27,152,共4页 Special Oil & Gas Reservoirs
基金 国家自然科学基金"高酸值原油的酸性化合物组成与成因机理"(40972097)
关键词 烃源岩 四环萜烷 原油成因 珠江口盆地 Source rock tetracyclic terpane crude oil genesis Zhujiangkou basin
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