
几何参数对直通式斜齿封严泄漏特性影响的数值分析 被引量:2

Effect of Fin Geometrical Parameters on Leakage of Straight-through Oblique Labyrinth Seals
摘要 改变直通式斜齿封严的7个主要的几何参数(封严间隙、齿高、齿距、齿宽、齿数、前倾角、后倾角),建立27个模型,通过数值模拟计算,研究气动参数(进出口落压比)及主要几何参数对其泄漏特性的影响规律。结果表明,斜齿封严的流量系数随着落压比和封严间隙、齿高、齿宽的增大而增大,随着齿距、齿数的增大而减小;前、后倾角对斜齿封严的流量系数有较为明显的影响,随着前倾角的增大流量系数先减小后增大,而随后倾角的增大流量系数单调减小。这是因为斜齿齿腔壁面出现局部涡旋,且随着后倾角增大涡旋区域增大,齿内流动耗散增强,因而流量系数减小。 The 27 models of straight oblique labyrinth seals were set up by changing the geometry parameters of straight-through ob- lique labyrinth seals, including the seal clearance, fin height, fin pitch, fin tip thickness, fin number, fin front inclined angle and rear inclined angle. The influences of the drop pressure ratio of import and export and the geometry parameters of straight-through oblique laby- rinth seals on sealing characteristics were numerical investigations. The results show that the discharge coefficient of oblique labyrinth seals is increased along with the increasing of the drop pressure ratio, the seal clearance, fin height and fin tip thickness, and it is decreased a- long with the increasing of fin pitch and fin number. The discharge coefficient is greatly influenced by fin front inclined angle and rear in- clined angle, which is firstly decreased and then increased along with the increasing of the fin front inclined angle, and decreased along with the increasing of the rear inclined angle. This is because there is a small swirl in the cavity, which is strengthened with the increasing of the rear inclined angle, so the dissipation of energy is increased and the discharge coefficient is decreased.
出处 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期17-22,共6页 Lubrication Engineering
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(NZ2012102)
关键词 倾斜角度 直通式斜齿 流量系数 inclined angle straight-through oblique labyrinth seals discharge coefficient
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