
维生素C复合木聚糖酶对馒头形态影响 被引量:2

Effect of compound with vitamin C and xylanase on the shape properties of Chinese steaming bread
摘要 该实验通过单因素及正交试验探讨了维生素C复合木聚糖酶对馒头形态影响,并采用粉质仪、拉伸仪对单独添加木聚糖酶、Vc及二者复合最优添加量下面团的流变性质进行测定。结果表明:木聚糖酶、Vc单独添加时,最适添加量分别为10~20 mg/kg、8 mg/kg。二者复合添加时最优组合为,木聚糖酶添加量10 mg/kg、Vc添加量8 mg/kg;在此条件下制得馒头比容为2.434,高径比为0.648。与空白对照及单独添加木聚糖酶或Vc的面团相比,木聚糖酶与Vc复合添加时面团加工品质较好,流动性与硬度之间达到平衡,这与馒头形态测定结果一致。 Effect of compound with vitamin C and xylanase on the shape properties of Chinese Steaming bread was investigated based on the single factor experiment and orthodoxy test. The rheological properties of the dough with Vitamin C and xylanase were also studied by farinograph and extensograph. The results showed that the optimal shape properties of Chinese steaming bread was achieved with xylanase of 10~20 mg/kg or vitamin C of 8 mg/kg, respectively. The results of orthogonal test showed that the optimum formula of the compound was Vitamin C of 8 mg/kg and xylanase of 10 mg/kg. Under the above conditions, the specific volume and aspect ratio of Chinese steaming bread were 2.434 and 0.648, respectively. Compared with the control and the dough added of vitamin C or xylanase only, the processing qualities of the dough prepared by the optimum formula were effectively improved, which was in accordance with the results of shape properties.
出处 《粮食与油脂》 北大核心 2014年第4期39-42,共4页 Cereals & Oils
基金 山东省高等学校优秀中青年骨干教师国际合作培养项目(SD–20130875)
关键词 木聚糖酶 维生素C 馒头 形态 流变性质 xylanase vitamin C Chinese steaming bread shape properties rheological properties
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