目的:了解东莞市寮步镇手足口病流行病学特征,为制定防控策略提供科学依据。方法:对东莞市寮步镇2012年疾病监测信息报告管理系统中报告的手足口病病例资料进行描述性流行病学分析。结果:东莞市寮步镇2012年共报告手足口病1 628例,发病率为388.94/10万,重症病例2例,重症率为1.22‰;5月和10~12月为发病高峰;0~3岁儿童为高危人群,占病例总数的81.63%,以散居儿童和托幼儿童为主,分别占83.78%和13.21%。结论:东莞市寮步镇手足口病多发在5月和10~12月,以3岁以下散居儿童为主,应重点加强对托幼机构手足口病防治工作的督导和管理。
Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hand- foot- mouth disease( HFMD) in Liaobu town of Dongguan city to provide scientific basis for formulating the strategies of prevention and control of HFMD. Methods: Descriptive epidemiological analysis was conducted of the data for HFMD reported by National Disease Reporting Information System in Liaobu,2012. Results: 1 628 cases of HFMD were reported in 2012,the incidence rate was 388. 94 / lakh and the severe rate was 1. 22 ‰( 2 /1682). The peak incidence was in May and October- December. The children aged 0- 3 were the high- risk population of HFMD. Reported cases took up 81. 63 % of the total cases,with home- cared and nursery- cared children in predominance( 83. 78 % and13. 21 %). Conclusion: The incidence of HFMD is peaked in May and October- December and the children aged 0- 3 were the most susceptible to it. The emphasis should be laid on the supervision and management of HFMD prevention and control in child care settings.
Journal of Baotou Medical College
Hand-foot-mouth disease