在全面调研新型35 kV开关设备及无功补偿设备的基础上,提出将35 kV封闭组合电器(Hybrid Gas Insulated Switchgear,HGIS)、磁屏蔽并联电抗器及紧凑型框架式并联电容器应用于500 kV变电站低压侧的新型应用方案,并对35 kV配电装置进行优化,节约占地面积。
On the basis of researching the new type of 35 kV switchgear and reactive power compensation device,the paper put forward the application of 35 kV HGIS and magnetic shielding shunt reactor and compact shunt capacitor in 500 kV substation and also optimize the 35 kV switchgear,which has define meaning to saving the area.
Shandong Electric Power