
折叠翼飞行器气动建模及变形稳定控制律设计 被引量:7

Aerodynamic modeling and robust controller design for a folding wing aircraft
摘要 折叠翼飞行器是一个由机身和内外翼组成的多刚体系统,当机翼折叠时,展长、机翼面积、全机气动焦点和飞机重心都会随之改变。采用准定常假设,通过DATCOM计算了7组中间构型的气动参数,并通过Matlab曲线拟合工具对不确定的气动参数进行拟合。对折叠翼系统的仿射线性LPV模型进行了多胞形分解,并采用二次Lyapunov函数方法设计了鲁棒变增益状态反馈控制器。仿真结果表明在鲁棒变增益控制器的作用下,变体飞行器在机翼折叠过程中波动较小,且折叠结束后能够快速回到稳定状态。 The folding wing aircraft is a multi-body system which composed by inner wings, outer wings and the body. When the wings are folding, the span, wing area, locations of aerodynamic center and center of gravity alter considerably. The aerodynamics of different modes are computed with DATCOM by quasi-steady supposition, and then fitted by Matlab curve fitting tool. The linear affine LPV model of folding wing system is transformed to a Polytope based on the convex decomposition algorithm. The closed-loop simulations show that the altitude and speed vary slightly during the whole folding process. This proves that the gain self-scheduled robust controller can guarantee a satisfactory dynamic performance for the morphing aircraft.
出处 《电子设计工程》 2014年第8期1-4,共4页 Electronic Design Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(91016017) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2013AA7052002)
关键词 折叠翼飞行器 曲线拟合 鲁棒控制 状态反馈 folding wing curve fitting linear parameter-varying robust control state feedback
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