20世纪中后期,中国科学院声学研究所的科学家王士谦、齐士钤、张家騄、吕士楠等人及南京大学声学研究所包紫薇教授都曾从各自专长对我国歌唱声学研究做出了奠基性的工作。那么,当前国际学术界对于歌唱声学的研究主要在做什么工作?其研究方法手段有了哪些发展?歌唱声学普遍关注的前沿问题是什么?在此,笔者将以今年在瑞典举行的"2013斯德哥尔摩音乐声学会"(Stochholm Music Acoustics Conference2013)为例,就以上问题做一介绍。
Chinese Music
1《歌唱声的科学》. 被引量:1
2《音乐声科学》. 被引量:1
3QuGe. "A method of division of soprano ranges and con- firmation of their voice transformation point based on harmonics analysis",Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Confer- ence 2013, SMAC 20 l 3, Stockholm, Sweden. 被引量:1
4Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, "Supranormal voices in singing" (invited), QuGe. "A method of division of soprano ranges and con- firmation of their voice transformation point based on harmonics analysis",Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Confer- ence 2013, SMAC 20 l 3, Stockholm, Sweden. 被引量:1
5Hideki Kawahara, Masanori Morise, Ken-Ichi Sakakiba- ra,"Interference-free observation of temporal and spectral features in 'shout'singing voices and their perceptual roles", QuGe. "A method of division of soprano ranges and con- firmation of their voice transformation point based on harmonics analysis",Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Confer- ence 2013, SMAC 20 l 3, Stockholm, Sweden. 被引量:1
6Bertrand Delvaux, David Howard, "Assessment of the acoustical impact of piriform sinuses in MRI based vocal tract replicas"QuGe. "A method of division of soprano ranges and con- firmation of their voice transformation point based on harmonics analysis",Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Confer- ence 2013, SMAC 20 l 3, Stockholm, Sweden. 被引量:1
7Sylvain Lamesch, Boris Doval, Mich~le Castellengo,"Ex- perimental study of the frequency leap interval produced by the change of laryngeal vibratory mechanism during sustained notes",QuGe. "A method of division of soprano ranges and con- firmation of their voice transformation point based on harmonics analysis",Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Confer- ence 2013, SMAC 20 l 3, Stockholm, Sweden. 被引量:1
8Tatsuya Kitamura, et al., "A pilot study of vibration pat- tern measurement for facial surface during singing by using scan- ning vibrometer", Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2013, SMAC 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. 被引量:1
9Hironori Takemoto, et al,"Power control for the second har- monic at high pitches in soprano singing: A case study", Tatsuya Kitamura, et al., "A pilot study of vibration pat- tern measurement for facial surface during singing by using scan- ning vibrometer", Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2013, SMAC 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. 被引量:1
10John Smith, Joe Wolfe, et al.,"Diverse resonance tuning strategies for women singers", Tatsuya Kitamura, et al., "A pilot study of vibration pat- tern measurement for facial surface during singing by using scan- ning vibrometer", Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2013, SMAC 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. 被引量:1
2屈歌.歌唱声学初探[J].吉林艺术学院学报,2010(1):8-11. 被引量:1
4庄 元.当代中国音乐声学研究述要[J].中国音乐学,2005(2):113-121. 被引量:11