随温度降低 ,棉纤维干物质积累减慢 ,终值降低 ,在增长高峰期内干重增加量减少 ,纤维干重占全铃重百分比值呈现“先降后升”趋势 ;随温度降低 ,单粒种子纤维干重显著降低 ,并使每毫米纤维干重出现“负增长”现象。温度对棉纤维干物质积累的影响高于棉铃其它组分 ,14 8℃日均温是棉纤维干物质积累停止增长的临界温度。
With temperature dropping,the accumulation of cotton fiber dry metter slows down,the final value reduces,the growing amount decreases also during the upping peak and the percentage of the fiber dry matter in the whole cotton boll turns out the tendency of “decreasing first then going up” The fiber dry matter per seed reduces dramatically with temperature dropping which leads to“negative increase” in cotton fiber dry matte per mm length The effect of temperature on the accumulation of cotton dry matter is more significant than that on other components 14 8℃ daily mean temperature seems to be the minimal point at which the fiber dry matter accumulation stops The effect of sympodia branches on fiber dry matter accumulation is not remarkable
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition