

Characteristics of physical activities and related lifestyles among residents in rural area of Qinghai province
摘要 目的了解青海省某贫困县农村居民身体活动及相关行为特点。方法对青海省某国家级贫困县2个自然村的18周岁及以上的居民询问蔬菜、水果的消费量,饮酒、吸烟以及业余锻炼、骑车和中速以上步行等身体活动的频率、时间等。结果908名居民平均每天消费新鲜蔬菜(262.8+182.4)g、水果(44.2±79.9)g、酒精(9.4±23.5)g,现在吸烟率为32.7%。分别有167人(18.4%)、354人(39.0%)和177人(19.5%)骑自行车、中速以上步行和业余锻炼,不同骑车、中速以上步行、业余锻炼频率水平的居民平均每天的新鲜蔬菜和酒精消费量差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05);不同活动时间水平的骑车、中速以上步行者的蔬菜、水果、酒精消费量、现在吸烟率差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。每次业余锻炼时间不足30min者新鲜蔬菜消费量[(348.5±279.5)g/d1明显高于不锻炼者[(259.7±179.0)g/d]和每次锻炼30~、60~min者[分别为(254.1±177.1)、(257.8±152.0)g/d1,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),每周锻炼5~7次或每次业余锻炼30~60min者水果消费量[分别为(59.0±83.4)、(61.6±75.1)g/d]均明显高于不锻炼者[(40.6±79.5)g/d],差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);每周骑车4—7次者现在吸烟率(27.5%)明显低于每周骑车1~3次者(46.1%),差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论样本人群中参与较多身体活动者可能更倾向于多吃蔬菜水果、戒烟等较为健康的生活方式。 Objective To understand the characteristics of physical activities and related behaviors among rural residents in a poor county of Qinghai province. Methods The adult residents ( ≥ 18 years old) from two villages of a state-designated poor county in Qinghai province were enrolled. Their information about vegetable and fruit intakes, smoking, alcohol consumption and physical activity, including bicycling, walking and leisure time exercise was inquired. Results Of 908 rural adults enrolled, the average consumption of vegetable, fruit and alcohol per person a day was (262.8±182.4), (44.2±79.9) and (9.4±23.5) g, respectively. The current smoking rate was 32.7%. The numbers of taking bicycle exercise, mid-speed walk and leisure time exercise were 167 (18.4%), 354(39.0%) and 177(19.5%) residents, respectively. There was no significant difference on vegetable and fruit consumption among residents with different frequencies of bicycling, walking or leisure exercise (P〉0.05). Also no significant difference on vegetable, fruit and alcohol consumption was detected among residents with different bicycling or walking time (P〉0.05). However, the mean consumption of vegetable in residents with an average bout of less than 30 min was (348.5±279.5) g/day, which was significantly higher than those [(259.7±179.0), (254.1 ± 177.1) and (257.8±152.0) g/day] in residents without exercise or with an average bout of 30 or 60 rain (P〈0.05). The mean consumption of fruit in residents with 5-7 excises/week or 30-60 min/times was (59.0±83.4) and (61.6±75.1) g/day, which were significantly higher than that [(40.6±79.5) g/day] in residents without exercise (P〈0.05). Also the current smoking rate (27.5%) in residents with bicycle excise 4-7 times/week was significantly lower than that (46.1%) in residents with bicycle excise 1-3 times/week (P〈0.05). Conclusion In the subjects of present study, the number of residents with eating more vegeta
出处 《中国慢性病预防与控制》 CAS 2014年第2期152-154,共3页 Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases
基金 中华预防医学会“中国西部农村地区慢病疾病负担与干预策略实证研究项目”
关键词 身体活动 锻炼 蔬菜 水果 生活方式 Physical activity Exercise Vegetable Fruit Lifestyle
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