Whether investors will be affected by sentiment when making a decision as well as whether investor sentiment affects stock returns, this problem has been the economist' s long-standing research interests. At least as early as Keynes (1936), a large number of authors believe that sentiment-driven investors can cause stock price de- viate from its fundamental value. The traditional finance which regards the efficient market hypothesis as the core ar- gue that this deviation can modified by the rational arbitrage in the market. However, when arbitrage is incomplete, the impact of sentiment on the stock price should not be underestimated. Macro risk factors are systemic factors affecting stock returns in the stock, should be priced correctly in the cross-section of stock returns, that is, portfolios which are higher sensitive to macro factors should earn higher stock returns. However ,when we construct portfolios according to their sensitivity to macro factor, we find that portfolios with higher sensitivity do not earn higher returns. Moreover, the return spreads between high-risk and low-risk port- folios are not positive. Specifically, the average return spread between high-risk and low-risk portfolios is -0. 004 and significant at 1% level, this is obviously incompatible with the traditional economic theory. Does this phenomenon relate to investor sentiment? This paper attempts to start from this point of view, explore the role of investor senti- ment in the pricing of macro risk factors. Based on the perspective of investor sentiment, using all A-share stock data of Shanghai stock exchange from 2003 to 2011 as sample, this paper examines the relationship between investor sentiment and macro economy. First of all, select the closed-end fund discount, turnover, number of new accounts, the consumer confidence index, refer- ence to the method of Baker & Wugler (2006), using principal component analysis to build investor sentiment in- dex ; Then, based on literature, this paper choose seven macro risk
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
investor sentiment
macro-risk factor
beta-sorted portfolios