首次对PET(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 )瓶坯热流道注射模的主、分流道直径和浇口直径进行了优化设计 ,并利用最小二乘法 ,对PET塑料的表观粘度 ηa 和剪切速率γ关系进行公式化拟合。优化设计的结果与实际中应用的热流道直径的最佳经验数值接近 ,这对实际生产具有指导意义。
This paper deals with the optimal design of the diameter of hot runner and hot gate in injection mould. The computational results of the optimal programming are found to be in good agreement with the experiential data. The work performed in this paper will make a contribution to the application of the hot runner in injection mould.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Technology