
美国战术星发展研究 被引量:2

A Study of the Development of the U. S. TacSat
摘要 美国战术星项目是美国国防部作战响应空间试验计划的主要技术验证项目。作为目前唯一在轨运行的卫星,TacSat-4卫星为实现作战响应空间提供了"动中通"通信、数据暗渡和蓝军跟踪等相关先进能力,从而提高了作战响应空间系统的通信与覆盖能力、改进了卫星通信需求的能力和体系结构,并且为未来作战响应空间项目的采办提供了依据。另一方面,美国的战术星项目还需要面对军事效果评估和商业策略的挑战。然而,美国战术星的先进技术及军事效果评估结论也为我国未来卫星通信系统的建设以及卫星通信系统对抗装备的发展带来新的思考。 TacSat is the main technology demonstration program of the DOD Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) experiment plan. TacSat-4 is the latest on orbit TacSat satellite, which is focused on enab- ling Communication on the Move ( COTM), enhancement of Friendly Force Tracking and other data exfil- tration, and support for poorly covered areas of the world. The development process and the influence of TacSat satellite, as well as challenges that the project will meet in future are introduced in this paper. The advanced technology and the military effectiveness assessment result of the U. S. TacSat satellite system give us a new look of our future construction of satellite communication systems and anti-satellite communi- cations systems.
作者 陈亮
出处 《通信技术》 2014年第5期469-473,共5页 Communications Technology
关键词 作战响应空间 战术星 动中通 蓝军跟踪 数据暗渡 Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) TacSat Communication on the Move Blue ForceTracking data exfiltration
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