

On Strengthening and Deepening of the Popularization of Compulsory Education in the Western Minority Nationality Regions during the Development of the West
摘要 西部民族地区普及义务教育是我国普及义务教育的一个重要组成部分。在当前的实施西部大开发战略中,人的发展是第一重要的,因而,西部民族地区普及义务教育理应成为关注的一个重要方面。从分析西部地区普及义务教育中存在的问题入手,着重探讨西部民族地区普及义务教育中应当注意解决的若干问题。 One of the important parts of our popularizatio n of compulsory education is to make it in western minority nationality regions. In the present strategies of the development of the west, the development of pe ople is the most crucial. Hence, the popularization of compulsory education in w estern minority nationality regions should be a focus. By analyzing the problems of the popularization of compulsory education in the western areas, this paper explores the problems to be solved primarily in the popularization of compulsory education in western minority nationality regions.
作者 任一明
出处 《重庆工学院学报》 2000年第5期100-102,108,共4页 Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology
关键词 西部大开发 普及义务教育 西部民族地区 对策 popularization of compulsory education wester m minority nationality region problem countermeasure
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