提出了免振捣混凝土优化设计方法 ,配制出了免振捣高强膨胀混凝土 ,该种混凝土的 2 8d免振抗压强度可以达到 6 0 MPa以上 ,坍落度大于 2 4cm ,扩展度约为 6 0 cm,不离析泌水 。
The optimizing design method of non-vibrated concrete has been put forward. Non-vibrated expansive high strength concrete has been prepared. The properties of this kind of concrete are good enough for modern concrete projects: the 28 d compressive strength of non-vibrated concrete is over 60 MPa, and the slump is over 24 cm, and the flow value is over 60 cm without bleeding and segregation.