本文通过自编的几个shell应用程序:1.连续安装Altos 68000微机UNIX操作系统高级语言的程序inst—disk;2.Altos Ⅱ终端功能键设置程序;3.调用多功能线性规划程序的xxgh和xxghl程序;4.其它程序;说明编制shell程序的几种方法和目的。
This paper described some methods on the compiling the shell programs using some shell programs which compiled by myself,e.g.:1.program inst-disk,which to be used to install the high level language and so on for the Altos 68000 16-bit microcomputer continually;2.some programs on the setting the function keys for the Altos Ⅱ terminal;3.shell programs which to be used to call the other application programs,e.g. xxgh and xxghl which to be used to call the multi-function linear programmingprogram;4.the other shell programs.