调查了甘肃天水麦积树木园引种驯化和部分土著豆科植物 1 8属 34种的结瘤固氮情况 ,同时以 8种寄主植物对 2 4株根瘤菌进行了回接鉴定。结果表明 :引种豆科树木与土壤中自然存在的根瘤菌已建立了共生关系 ,但其共生固氮的效率极差 ;麦积树木园近年来引种驯化豆科树木生长不良 ,可能与豆科植物与根瘤菌没有建立有效的共生体系有关。
The nodulation and nitrogen fixation of 34 species belonging to 19 genura of legumes have been studied in Maiji Arbortum, in which 12 genura, 21 species were introduced and acclimatized legume trees. Among of them 9 species have not been reported yet in literature. 28 samples of nodules were detected with the method of acetylene reduction. There are only 25% of legume root nodules whose acetylene reduction activity is over 1 μmol/g·h. The highest of acetylene reduction activity in introduced trees is only 3.15 μmol/g·h.24 strains isolated were tested infecting in 8 species.91.6% strains of tested rhizobia can nodulate with host plants. The nodulation and symbiotic nitrogen fixation of introduced legume trees were discussed.
Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition)