目的 :探讨岩斜区肿瘤外科治疗手术入路选择。方法 :回顾性分析我院自 1997年至 2 0 0 0年 6月显微外科手术治疗的 17例岩斜区肿瘤。 12例肿瘤直径大于 4cm。采用 6种手术入路 :颞下 -小脑幕 ;天幕上下联合 ;颞下 -乙状窦前 ;枕下乳突后 ;枕下远外侧 ;额眶颧入路。结果 :肿瘤全切除 12例 (71% ) ,术后恢复良好者 11例 (6 5 % ) ,术后新增颅神经损害 6例 (35 % )。结论 :选择和掌握适合的颅底手术入路 ,采用显微外科技术切除岩斜区肿瘤可取得满意效果。
Objective:To evaluate the advantages of choosing diverse surgical approaches for petroclival tumor.Methods:Seventeen cases with petroclival tumor treated under microsurgery were studied retrospectively.Twelve lesions were larger than 4cm in their largest diameter.According to the location of petroclival tumor,the following 6 approaches could be flexibly chosen and individually used:Subtemporal-transtentorial:Subtemporal-presigmoid;Suboccipital-retromastoid;Suboccipital-far lateral;Combined supra-and infratentorial;Frontoorbitozygomatic approaches.Results:Total removal of the tumor was achieved in 12 patients, favourable postoperative results showed in 11 cases and new postoperative injuries of cranial nerves occurred in 6 cases.Conclusion:The satisfactory outcome could be resulted by properly selecting and skillfully comprehending the operative approaches to cranial base lesions and by adopting the advanced microsurgical techniques.
Journal of Ningxia Medical College