土地利用/土地覆被变化一直备受全球变化研究科学家们的关注,成为全球变化研究中的核心课题之一。文中利用2000年Landsat TM影像和2010年中国环境卫星影像目视解译得到两期土地利用分类成果和延河流域2000-2010年社会经济数据,结合土地利用转移矩阵、土地利用动态变化计算和实地调查等研究方法,对延河流域2000-2010年土地利用/覆盖变化及其驱动力进行了研究。结果表明:⑴延河流域2000-2010年耕地面积大幅减少,林地和高覆盖草地大面积增加,建设用地面积呈增加态势。⑵结合流域内社会经济数据发现:国家的生态修复政策、流域内经济的发展和产业结构调整、人口增长和城镇化为流域土地利用/覆盖发生巨大变化的主要驱动力。
LUCC( land use and cover changes) has been paid attention by the global changes researching scientists all along,it is one of the core projects about global change research. In this paper,we analyzed the LUCC and the driving forces in Yan River Basin from 2000 to 2010 with the aid of visual interpretation data from Landsat TM in 2000 and HJ images in 2010,and here we also used the social economic data,combining with land-use transition matrix,LUCC dynamic change calculation and field investigation. The result shows that: ⑴ The plow land decreased obviously,but the forest and high coverage grassland showed the reverse trend and the construction land showed the trend of increasing. ⑵ We found that the policy of bioenvironmental recovering,economic development and adjustment of industrial structure,population explosion and the urbanization were the critical driving forces of the LUCC in the whole Yan River basin during 2000 - 2010.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment