为了矫正追踪航天器相对接近轨迹的偏离,实现交会轨迹的主动安全控制,在开环斜滑算法的基础上提出了闭环斜滑主动控制方法,包括轨迹控制的闭环斜滑算法和终端控制的闭环斜滑算法。利用某近距离交会接近问题,采用Monte Carlo(蒙特卡洛)打靶仿真,分析比较了开环斜滑算法和2种闭环斜滑算法。结果表明,闭环控制终端偏离明显小于开环情况,同时在较短时间内以较小的速度增量实现了终端状态控制,并且轨迹控制的闭环斜滑算法控制精度小于终端控制算法。
Based on open-loop glideslope algorithms, closed-loop glideslope active control algorithms including trajec- tory-controlled closed-loop glideslope algorithm and terminal-controlled closed-loop glideslope algorithm are proposed to correct trajectory deviations of the orbit of the approach spacecraft during spacecraft rendezvous for active control of the rendezvous trajectory. The open-loop glideslope algorithm and both of the closed loop glideslope algorithms are analyzed and compared with Monte Carlo simulation taking a close range rendezvous case as an example. The re- suits show that terminal deviations of closed-loop control obtained with consumption of acceptable velocity increment and computing time are much smaller than those of open-loop control, and the control accuracy of trajectory-con- trolled closed-loop glideslope algorithm is better than that of terminal controlled algorithm.
Journal of Spacecraft TT&C Technology