
欧美国家黑果腺肋花楸栽培技术研究现状 被引量:20

Research Status about Cultivation of Aronia Melanocarpa in Europe and America
摘要 阐述了黑果腺肋花楸在欧美发达国家栽培研究现状及发展水平。黑果腺肋花楸栽培研究以物候观测、品种繁育、多酚积累研究为主。目前,黑果腺肋花楸特殊功能性已经被广泛认知,其相关产业也已经在欧美国家建立和发展起来。借鉴和利用西方国家的研究成果,为快速促进我国黑果腺肋花楸种植产业建立和发展提供参考。 The article focuses on status and development of planting studies about Aronia melanocarpa in Eu- rope and America. Planting studies mainly include the phenological observation, species breeding, and re- search on polyphenol accumulation. At present, the special function of Aronia melanocarpa has been widely recognized, the industries involved have also been developed in Europe and America. By learning and using re- search achievements of western countries, will promote establishment and development of Aronia melanocarpa planting rapidly in our country
作者 王鹏
出处 《中南林业调查规划》 2014年第1期54-57,共4页 Central South Forest Inventory and Planning
基金 国家"948"项目(2001-51)后期推广应用
关键词 黑果腺肋花楸 种植技术 研究现状 进展 Aronia melanocarpa cultivation technology study status progress
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