为研究视觉疲劳对车辆驾驶人注意保持能力的影响,用自编主观疲劳调查表和关联性负变(CNV)经典试验范式,对被试在观看高速公路视频前和观看视频30 min后进行重复测试,考察被试观看高速公路视频前后的行为差异和CNV中早期成分(iCNV)和晚期成分(tCNV)的平均波幅差异。结果发现:被试观看高速公路视频后,主观疲劳调查表调查显示被试出现视觉疲劳状态;在CNV试验结果中,反应时延长,产生视觉疲劳;CNV以中央顶区为主,视觉疲劳后iCNV和tCNV成分波幅降低。这些结果表明,执行认知加工任务时,视觉疲劳会导致被试注意朝向能力下降、期待行为减弱,最终出现反应迟缓;CNV成分主要产生于额叶,幅值降低可能与额叶执行功能受损有关,iCNV和tCNV成分可以作为视觉疲劳的检测指标。
To explore the influence of drivers visual fatigue on drivers' attention maintenance, the classic CNV paradigm and self subjective fatigue questionnaire were used. The research was conducted with par- ticipation of 26 right-handed drivers, aged 20 - 24. The participation were tested for CNV test before watc- hing a video about highway driving for 30 minutes, and they were required to finish the questionnaire and undergo CNV test immediately after watching the video. The results show that subjects appeared visual fatigue after watching a video, the reaction time becoming significantly longer after visual fatigue, both am- plitudes of CNV orienting wave and CNV expectancy wave were significant decreased after visual fatigue, the peak of average amplitude of CNV was at Cz electrode, and CNV mainly was produced in frontal mid- dle area. The results reveal that in performing cognitive process tasks, visual fatigue leads to drivers' de- cline of attention maintenance, diminishment of expectant behaviors, slow response and impaired function of performance.
China Safety Science Journal