Local records have the characteristics of local encyclopedia.We need a new angle in realization of the informational nature of local records.In the past,the knowledge nature of local records was often shaded by its comprehensive nature,and the over-general definitions of encyclopedia and local records were not well divided and researched.Therefore,we need to reconsider and stress the encyclopedic characteristics of local records.This will allow local records to take up the role and mission of combing and reflecting local knowledge system in terms of cultural function;to get theoretical support in structuring local knowledge system in terms of chapters and sections design;and to highlight local knowledge and maintain cultural diversity under the background of globalization in terms of local records contents and materials selection.In order to highlight local knowledge,local records should,firstly,follow the fundamental principles and theories of local records compilation;secondly,recognize and put emphasis on the value of non-official local knowledge;and thirdly,adopt the method of deep description to present special phenomenon and unique knowledge within the local areas.
China Local Records