分析影响读者借阅量的因素,确定不同读者的借阅需求,进而依据需求定制差异化的借阅权限和服务。利用SPSS Clementine挖掘工具,采用C5.0决策树算法,对国际关系学院图书馆的读者借阅数据进行挖掘,建立读者决策树分类模型,将读者按借阅频度分为活跃读者、一般读者和沉默读者。结果表明,读者身份、专业、年级和性别对借阅量有重要影响,本科大三学生借阅需求较大,大四学生借阅需求小。决策树分类能对图书馆读者进行细分,可为调整读者借阅权限提供理论依据。
The factors influencing readers' borrowing amount are analyzed and different readers' borrowing demand are determined. The differential borrowing authority and service are customized. A decision tree classification model of reader borrowing frequency is built with C5.0 in mining tool of SPSS Clementine. The decision tree classifies readers into three groups: activing readers, common readers and silent readers. The mined data come from reader borrowing records of the library of university of international relations. The results show readers' identity, major, grade and gender have an important effect on borrowing amount. The borrowing demand of junior students is great, while that of senior students is small. The library readers may be classified by refering to decision tree classification to provide theoretical evident for adjusting borrowing authority.
Computer Era