
围术期肥胖患者呼吸管理的新进展 被引量:4

The Recent Progress in Breathing Management of Perioperative Obese Patients
摘要 肥胖患者有独特的呼吸系统病理生理改变。病理性肥胖患者具有典型的限制性模式,用力肺活量、功能残气量以及呼吸系统的顺应性比预计值下降。胸部CT扫描发现,肥胖患者在麻醉诱导后、拔管后以及拔管后24 h仍有肺不张。围术期肺不张是引起术后肺并发症的主要原因之一。"肺保护性通气"主要针对小气道闭塞、肺不张、肥胖患者限制性呼吸模式、肺氧合功能障碍以及因体质量增加所引起上腹部的高腹压的一种肺保护性机械通气。 Obese patients have unique pathophysiological changes of the respiratory system. Pathological obese patients have typical restrictive pattern. Their forced vital capacity, functional residual capacity and respiratory compliance are lower than expected values. Chest CT scan finds pulmonary atelectasis still exists after anesthesia induction, after extubation, and 24 hours after extubation in obese patients. Perioperative pul- monary atelectasis is one of the inducing causes of postoperative pulmonary complications. " Lung protective ventilation" is a lung protective mechanical ventilation mainly aimed at small airway occlusion, atelectasis, restrictive breathing pattern in obese patients, pulmonary oxygenation function obstacle and overweight caused abdomen hypertension.
作者 邓军 赵兰花
出处 《医学综述》 2014年第7期1222-1224,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
基金 右江民族医学院资助项目(YY2013KY003)
关键词 肥胖 围术期肺不张 肺保护性通气 Obesity Perioperation atelectasis Lung protective ventilation
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