目的 结合血清PSA水平,探讨前列腺癌的专科护理要点。方法 进行专科护理时指导患者接受临床观察,让其了解PSA增高并不等于前列腺癌复发。通过PSAD、PSAV、fPSA测定消除其恐惧,筛选高危患者,消除其对手术的恐惧,注意药物治疗与饮食治疗。结果 本组40例患者取得了较好的疗效。结论 结合PSA水平开展前列腺癌的专科护理是可行的、有效的。
Objective To study the nursing key points of prostate cancer combining with PSA level in serum. Methods During special nursing, the patients were given clinic observation, they should understand that the high level of PSA does not mean the recurrence of prostate cancer. Through detecting of PSAD, PSAV, fPSA the patients' fear for operation disappeared and the patients with high risk were screened, meanwhile their medicines and foods therapy should be paid attention to. Results 40 case of prostate cancer have got good curative effect. Conclusion To develop special nursing care for protate cancer is practical and effetive.
Modern Nursing