
基于OFDM信号的二维全极化信息提取 被引量:2

Two-Dimensional Fully Polarimetric Information Extraction Based on OFDM Signal
摘要 目标高分辨和全极化信息在遥感成像、目标分类、识别等领域具有重要应用。基于全极化OFDM信号模型,研究了用于获取运动目标二维全极化散射特征的新方法。建立了全极化OFDM接收信号模型,提出了信号频域采样的二维极化MUSIC算法,用于提取目标散射中心的全极化高分辨信息;利用某目标模型的暗室测量数据进行仿真试验,验证了该信号相关处理算法的有效性。该研究成果可为新体制宽带成像雷达系统研制提供参考。 Target high resolution and fully polarimetric information is of important application in such fields as remote sensing,target classification,recognition and so on.Based on the fully polarimetric OFDM signal model,one novel method to extract two-dimensional fully polarimetric scattering characteristics of moving targets is studied.Firstly,the fully polarimetric OFDM received signal model is established.Then the two-dimensional polarimetric multiple signal classification(2D P-MUSIC)algorithm is used to extract tar-get fully polarimetric and high resolution scattering information,based on the signal sampling data in fre-quency domain.By use of the target measured data in anechoic chamber,simulations are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
出处 《雷达科学与技术》 2014年第1期58-62,共5页 Radar Science and Technology
关键词 散射中心 极化测量 OFDM信号 MUSIC算法 scattering center polarization measurement OFDM waveform MUSIC algorithm
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